Factors influencing the abundance of wintering western snowy plovers at Crown Memorial State Beach


Riensche David L.1


1. East Bay Regional Park District


Survival during the nonbreeding season, when mortality from food shortages and raptor predation is highest, influences shorebird population growth. These selection pressures, as well as anthropogenic influences, can shape wintering shorebird habitat use patterns. The western snowy plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus) is a small shorebird that uses sand-spits, dune-backed beaches, open areas around estuaries for foraging and roosting. The Pacific Coast population of western snowy plovers is listed as a federally threatened species and a California Species of Special Concern. Previous studies suggest humans, dogs and corvids are sources of disturbance to plovers on public beaches. During 2014 to 2019, these disturbance factors were examined at Robert W. Crown Memorial State Beach in Alameda, California. In decreasing order of impact, the beach using public, corvids, and dogs were found to be the major stressors to over wintering plovers. Both the public and corvids respectively, resulted in disturbance and avoidance behaviors by plovers nearly 40% of the time. In 2015, the District created the Plover Protection Zone (PPZ) by installing symbolic fencing, signage, and establishing a volunteer team to monitor plovers and educate the public. In 2016, the potential prey abundance within the plover protection zone and areas directly north and south were examined using core samples and sticky traps. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference in the amount of macro-invertebrate prey available in the area used by the plovers as compared to other locations. Habitat choice and prey availability are vital to wintering shorebird. During this study, the wintering population of western snowy plovers increased from six to over 54 individuals.


California Fish and Wildlife Journal, California Department of Fish and Wildlife








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