A Novel Approach of BRELU RESNET Based Cyber Attack Detection System with BAIT Based Approach for Mitigation


Prabhu Sangeetha1,P. S. Nethravathi2


1. Research Scholar, College of Computer Science and Information Science, Srinivas University, Mangalore, India.

2. Professor, College of Computer and Information Sciences, Srinivas University, Mangalore, India.


Purpose: Industrial Control Systems become more vulnerable to digital attacks by merging communication groups and the Internet of Things, which could have severe implications. An Intrusion Detection System is essential in IoT businesses for identifying and stopping assaults. To ensure data privacy and security in the face of digital attacks, legislation and large enterprises should develop network security policies today. As people-based full frameworks have become more vital in today's society, they've also become targets for hostile activities, compelling both industry and research to concentrate more on dealing with local area disruption recognition issues. Contraption reviewing techniques have shown to be effective tools for resolving in-network interruption location issues. Design/Methodology/Approach: This investigation yielded a very unique strategy for tackling hub moderation utilizing a Classification and Encryption method. The UNSW-NB15 dataset is acquired and divided into Data for preparation and testing from the start. The information is pre-handled and included are eliminated right away within the preparation time frame. The TWM Algorithm is then used to determine the relevant highlights from that moment onward. The BRELU-RESNET classifier then sorts the input into went after and non-went after categories. The compromised information is then saved in the security log record, and the typical data is encrypted using the ESHP-ECC computation. The shortest path distance is then calculated using Euclidean distance. Finally, the data is available. Finally, using the DSHP-ECC computation, the information is decrypted. If the information is available in the log document during testing, it is regarded as the sought-after data and is prevented from the transmission. If it is not present, then the process of digital assault recognition begins. Findings/Result: The research is based on the UNSW-NB 15 dataset, which shows that the proposed method achieves an unreasonable awareness level of 98.34 percent, particularity level of 77.54 percent, exactness level of 96.6 percent, Precision level of 97.96 percent, review level of 98.34 percent, F-proportion of 98.15 percent, False Positive Rate of 22.46 percent, False Negative Rate of 1.66 percent, and Matthew's connection coefficient of 77.38 Originality/Value: This experimental-based research article examines the malicious activities in the cyberspace using BRELU-RESNET approach and mitigated by using BAIT based approach mechanism. Paper Type: Research Analysis.


Srinivas University


General Medicine








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