Developments in technology have made the world a global village. The spread of mass media, especially the expansion of the Internet network around the world every day, has allowed people belonging to different natures to interact more easily without getting stuck in the boundaries of time and space. The electronic environment, which can enable people from all over the world to interact, has also affected the commercial space. The electronic environment, which has created a new sunday in commercial life, has caused a new competition to exist in this area. Marketing and advertising activities and other commercial behaviors, which are customary in the classical sense, have acquired a different dimension in the electronic environment. Although it has enabled the electronic environment to remove the time and space limits and to move its commercial activities to cross-border areas, on the other hand, the impact of unfair competition that may occur in this area will also be cross-border. In this regard, the electronic environment and its impact on the determination of the law to be applied to unfair competition, which has a foreign element, have been evaluated by the current legislation.
Istanbul Ticaret Universitesi
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