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2. Ivanov-Djatlov FG. Medicinskie nabludenija na Kolskom poluosrtove. [Medical observations on the Kola Peninsula]. Leningrad: Russ Geogr Soc 1930. 128 pp. (in Russ.).
3. Charnolusky VV. Materialy po bytu lopareij: Opyt opredelenija kochevogo sostojanija lopareij vostochnoij chasti Kolskogo poluostrova. [Materials on the everyday life of the Lapps: Attempt to describe the state of nomadizm of the Lapps of the Eastern part of the Kola Peninsula]. Leningrad: Russ Geogr Soc 1930. 176 pp. (in Russ.).
4. Kozlov Al. Ekologija Pitanija. [Nutritional Ecology]. Moscow: MNEPU Publ. 2002. 184 pp. (in Russ.).