Introduction Due to the measures imposed by governments to reduce the spread of this new virus, the economic sector was one of the most affected during the COVID-19 pandemic. Several labor sectors had to undergo a virtual adaptation process resulting in job instability and job loss. The objective of this study was to revalidate an ultra-short scale for measuring perceived job security in Latin America. Methods A revalidation study was done on a short scale that measures worker’s perceived security about losing or keeping their job in the near future. Results The four items remained on the revalidated scale, where all four explained a single factor. The goodness-of-fit measures confirmed the single-factor model (χ: 7.06; df: 2; p = 0.29; mean square error: 0.015; goodness-of-fit index: 0.998; adjusted goodness-of-fit index: 0.991; comparative fit index: 0.999; Tucker-Lewis index: 0.997; normalized fit index: 0.998; incremental fit index: 0.999; and root mean square error of approximation: 0.036). The scale’s reliability was calculated using McDonald’s omega coefficient, obtaining an overall result of ω = 0.72. Conclusions The scale was correctly revalidated in Latin America, and the four items were kept in a single reliable factor.
Medwave Estudios Limitada
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