Conveyor of a new assortment of peaches and nectarines for Crimea and southern Russia


Smykov A. V.,Shoferistov E. P.,Mesyats N. V.


Aim and task: Goals and objectives: to form a conveyor of industrial assortment of peach and nectarine for the Crimea and southern Russia. To do this, study the new varieties of peach and nectarine bred by the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens for a complex of economic and biological characteristics. The study of varieties was carried out according to the "Program and methodology for the study of varieties of fruit, berry and nut crops" (Sedov, 1995), as well as in accordance with the classifier (Khloptseva, Sharova, Korneichuk, 1988). 34 new varieties of peach and 7 - nectarine of NBG selection of different ripening periods were studied by a complex of economically valuable traits. Genotypes with a complex of outstanding properties in terms of yield, frost resistance of flower buds, drought resistance, resistance to fungal diseases, and commercial qualities of fruits with an increased content of biologically active substances have been identified. A conveyor belt of a new industrial assortment of peaches and nectarines of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden selection for gardening in Crimea and southern Russia has been proposed.


Nikitsky Botanical Gardens National Science Center

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