Psychological effects of the course reception of multicomponent herbal blend "Antistress


Grigoriev P. E.,Nagovskaya V.-V. V.,Melikov F. M.,Tonkovtseva V. V.,Miroshnichenko E. A.,Nagovskaya E.-E. V.,Yarosh A. M.


The study of the effectiveness of the course intake of multicomponent herbal blend "Antistress" (rhizomes with roots of valerian officinalis, motherwort grass, hawthorn flowers, peppermint leaf, lemon balm leaf, herba hyperici) was conducted. The subjects were 20 students of a medical university, 45% of them worked with patients with coronavirus infection. The deadline for receiving the herbal blend is 20 days. The psychological state was assessed using the methods "Coping behavior in stressful situations", "Taylor Scale of anxiety manifestations", "Emotional burnout" by V. Boyko. After taking the herbal medicine, the overly emotional response to stress disappeared, anxiety decreased. Initially inflated indicators of emotional burnout have decreased to normal or close to normal: tension has decreased; forced resistance to adverse circumstances that have generally ceased to be perceived as such; emotional reserves that can be spent productively and with pleasure in professional activities have increased. In many respects, this result was obtained due to the combination of medicinal plants in the herbal blend: along with soothing and improving the functional state of the cardiovascular and nervous system components, herba hyperici, which is a natural antidepressant, was also included in the blend.


Nikitsky Botanical Gardens National Science Center

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