Analysis of the state and global trends in the cultivation and breeding of apple trees


Atazhanova E. V.,Lukicheva L. A.


The objective of the research is to analyze scientific and technical literature, to identify trends in world production and trends in apple breeding. The article uses official data from the FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Statistics Division). In addition, the information from the websites of the Federal State Statistics Service and the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Gossortcommission" - the State Commission for Selection Achievements, Test and Protection - were used. Statistical reports for the period from 2000 to 2019 were taken for analysis. The volume of fruits produced in the world is increasing every year. Apple production is in third place in the world, second only to coffee and olives. The leading apple suppliers are China, USA, Turkey, Poland, Iran, Italy, India, France, Russia, Chile. In 2000-2019 the gross harvest of apples increased from 59 million tons. up to 87 million tons, while the number of cultivated areas decreased from 5.4 to 4.7 million hectares. The main producing regions of this crop are Asia (60.7%), Europe (22.1%), America (12.9%), Africa (3.2%) and Oceania (1.1%). At the same time, the world production of apple trees has significantly stepped towards intensification, thanks to new cultivars and new cultivation technologies. Over the past twenty years, global apple production has grown significantly due to the intensification of production and the introduction of new breeding cultivars.


Nikitsky Botanical Gardens National Science Center

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