Germination and seed quality of <i>Perilla frutescens</i> (L.) Britton during introduction in the Southern Coast of the Crimea


Kravchenko E. N.,Shevchuk O. M.


Morphological features were revealed and the seed quality of samples of shrubby perilla ( Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton) was determined when introduced to the Southern coast of the Crimea in a subtropical climate of the Mediterranean type. It is shown that samples of various geographical origin under the conditions of introduction undergo all cycles of development, are characterized by high variability of morphological parameters and aroma; form full-fledged seeds with high laboratory (79-92%) and field (75-90%) germination. The application of the X-ray method showed that the seeds have a high degree of completion (57-95%), correlated with germination. The mass of 1000 seeds of the studied samples varies from 1.25 to 1.86 g. The use of light microscopy methods allowed us to study the size, shape, color and surface pattern of the seeds, and to establish that the length of the seeds of shrubby perilla of its own reproduction varies within 1.44-2.23 mm, width - 1.33-1.89 mm. It was found that the seeds of the studied samples have a similar plan of structure: they are characterized by a rounded or oval shape, the surface of the shell has a cellular structure, is colored brown in various shades.


Nikitsky Botanical Gardens National Science Center


General Medicine

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