Botanical reserve “Juniper grove at the balka of Kanly-Dere named after Novella Vavilova” in the Crimea


Krainyuk E. S.,Smirnov V. O.


The materials of the study of the botanical reserve «Juniper grove at the balka Kanly-Dere beam named after Novella Vavilova» are presented: vegetation, floristic composition, sozological status of species. The vegetation is a digressive variant of shiblyaks, transformed into a Juniperus deltoides community in combination with forb-grass steppes. The flora list includes 170 species of higher vascular plants, including 10 adventitious species, 3 endemic to the Crimea and 21 rare species. The Red Book of the Russian Federation includes 5 species, the Red Book of the Republic of Crimea - 6, the European Red List (ERL) - 12, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants (IUCN) - 11, the International Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) protects 3 species.


Nikitsky Botanical Gardens National Science Center

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