Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Reference154 articles.
1. 1. Ai, O. C.; Hariharan, M.; Yaacob, S.; Chee, L. S. 2012. Classification of Speech Dysfluencies with MFCC and LPCC Features, Expert Systems with Applications 39(2): 2157-2165. [see 37 p.]
2. 2. Alberto de Albuquerque Silva, C.; Duarte Doria Neto, A.; Alberto Nicolau Oliveira, J.; Dantas Melo, J.; Simonetti Barbalho, D.; Medeiros Avelino, A. 2015. Definition of an architecture to configure artificial neural networks topologies using partial reconfiguraton in FPGA, Latin America Transactions, IEEE (Revista IEEE America Latina) 13(7): 2094-2100. [see 29 p.]
3. 3. Alecsa, B.; Cirstea, M.; Onea, A. 2012. Simulink modeling and design of an efficient hardware-constrained FPGA-based PMSM speed controller, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 8: 554-562. ISSN 1551-3203. [see 10 p.]
4. 4. Altera 2013. Chip Editor [interactive] [14 March 2014]. Prieiga per internetą: [see 32 p.]
5. 5. Altera 2014. FFT IP Core User Guide [interactive] [25 August 2015]. Prieiga per internetą: [see 38 p.]