Integration of geoelectrical, hydrochemical and geothermal data to identify the origin of thermal water in the foothills of the Tlemcen mountains, Northwestern Algeria


Yousfi Somia,Kerzabi Rachid,Mudry Jacques,Bensalah Mustapha,Achachi Abdelhamid,Collignon Bernard


In previous studies, the mean geothermal gradient of the Tlemcen region has been estimated as low (3.7°C/100m). The existing boreholes in the Remchi plain (North of the Tlemcen Mountains) reveal thermal waters (26-48°C) and a remarkable artesianism. To understand the hydrodynamics and origin of thermalism of this groundwater, we merged geophysical and physical-chemical data. Geophysical data allowed us to improve the resolution of the fault network, to estimate the thickness of various sandstone beds connected with the thermal reservoir and to delimit the productive aquifer. Chemical characteristics of waters have been used for a statistical analysis, which displayed two independent water clusters resulting from two hydrodynamic patterns throughout the aquifer. The hydrothermal analysis identifies the depth reached by water and the relationship between water circulation and the fault network. Comparison with previous studies allowed us to build a schematic geological model, which explains hydrodynamics, origin and role of this structure in the groundwater flow.


PAGEPress Publications

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