The Effect of Propofol on Histamine and Prostaglandine Like Activites at Serum in Rats.


Babacan Avni,Eren Sami,Karadenizli Yener,Ercan Sevim


In this experimental study propofol's hypotensive effect has been investigated. 30 rats were anesthetized and divided randomly into 3 groups. One group received propofol 10 mg/kg via the mesenteric vein while the other trasylol 100000 IU/kg intraperitoneally. The third group was for control. Serum PGE2 and histamine-like activities of the three groups were compared while carotid artery blood pressure was bein simultaneously recorded on the chimograph. According to our results, histamine levels increased and PGE2 levels deçreased in the trasylol group whereas they both, increased in the propofol, group. Simultaneous b1ood pressure recordings showed a decrease of 30 %. There fore, it could be' stated that the increase of histamine which has a strong vasodilating action could contribute to the hypotensive effect -of propofol. However, it should not be forgotten that in rats, mesenteric vein bed is rich in mast cells. Moreover, the changes of PGE2 levels caused by propofol and trasylol activate the kallikrein-kinin system. These results also bring to mind a possibility of the role of kinin peptides in the hypotension created by propofol.


Pera Publishing

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