Cengiz A. Tevfik,Göz Muzaffer,Kıyan Mehmet
In this article, knowledges about perinatal transmission of Hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) are scrutinized. We dwelled on the characteristics of mother and child in HBsAg transmission. Meanwhile the importance of asymtomatic HBsAg carriage for perinatal transmission is exaınined. Furthhermore, the effectiveness of HBeAg and DNAP on infectivity, chronic antigenemia and transmission of HBsAg through placenta is indicated. Except the parenteral route, the most frequent route of infection is perinatally, from HBV carrying mothers to their newborns. in this article, repots about this subject are revealed and rates of infection are noted. Thus, we indicated the importance of pregnant women carrying HBsAg, as risk groups causing the duration of HBV infections.
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