The Evaluatıon of Atracurium and Pancuronium in lntubation


Öner Ünsal,Tahtacı Nursan,Sümbül Mustafa


Our study has been done in 54 patients. Two different doses of atracurium besilate has been applied to 36 patients. One dose pancuronium bromide has been used to 18 patients. The effects of these drugs to neuromuscular transmission has been recorded by EMG method. The effects of drugs to cardiovascular system has been examined by making the measurements of pulse, sistolic and diastolic arterial pressure and electrocardiography. The intubation conditions and intubation periods in patients have been determined. it was observed that the beginning period of the effect of the atracurium besilate was shorter than the pancuronium bromide. The intubation in which the patient who was applied atracurium has been realized in a shorter time. it was observed that the both drugs djdn't have an important impression on cardiovascular system.


Pera Publishing

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