Plane-Parallel Laminar Flow of Viscous Fluid in the Transition Zone of the Inlet Section


Sarukhanyan ArestakORCID,Vermishyan GarnikORCID,Kelejyan HovhannesORCID


A study was conducted to analyze how hydrodynamic parameters change in the entrance region of plane-parallel flow under stationary flow conditions, with an initial arbitrary distribution of velocities in the entrance section. This study was based on boundary layer equations, and a boundary problem was formed under the conditions of plane-parallel flow. The boundary conditions were chosen to reflect the pattern of arbitrary velocity distribution in the entrance section. A general solution of the approximating Navier-Stokes equations is provided, which depends on the initial conditions and the Reynolds number. The boundary conditions are established based on the nature of the motion, and the boundary value problem is described. A method for integrating the boundary value problem has been developed, and regularities for the change in velocities along the length of the inlet section have been obtained for both constant and parabolic velocity distributions in the entrance sections. Analytical solutions have been derived to obtain patterns of velocity and pressure changes in any given flow direction. Through computer analysis, velocity change patterns in various sections along the inlet transition area have been constructed, allowing for the determination of fluid velocity at any point on the section and an estimation of the length of the transition area. These proposed solutions provide a framework for accurately constructing individual units of hydromechanical equipment.


National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia

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