Zhang Xiao-Shuang,Choi Min-Lyoung
A little bit of change in eyebrow makeup, which is essential for complementing a face shape and regulating its image, can have an effect on an overall face; especially, mandatory mask wearing due to the covid-19 breakout has highlighted the importance of eyebrow makeup, creating a variety of eyebrow shapes. Among them, ‘standard’ eyebrow type goes well with all types of face shape. However, it does not mean eyebrow makeup can complement the disadvantages of face shape. Therefore, as concerns the thickness of eyebrow, the gap between eyebrows and eyes, and the glabellar width, this study aimed to collect their quantitative data on the base of which standard eyebrow type is corrected and supplemented enough to be suited well by face shape, in order to provide basic data for creating the algorithm of A.I.-based beauty device – a stepping stone for the development of related services. In this study, we made a literature review on standard eyebrow type, thus making an organised experiment, and then performed an expert evaluation of its result. The findings of this study were as follows: First, when we made standard eyebrow expressions on a long face by using makeup eyebrow pencil, expressing much narrower the gap between eyebrow and eye, and the glabellar as well turned out to be effective. This may be because such a makeup made the gap look relatively short, and the narrow-looking glabellar made the face center catch one’s eye, with the result that they helped the narrow face look relatively wide. Second, when we made standard eyebrow expressions on a diamond face, expressing the glabellar much narrower turned out to work. It can be because the narrow-looking glabellar made the face center catch one’s eye, keeping one's eyes out of high cheekbones. Third, when standard eyebrow was expressed on an angular or inverted triangle face, penciling the overall eyebrows much thicker made the face area look relatively narrower, had the desired effect. It may be worth meaning that such an eyebrow makeup made the exposed face area smaller, eclipsing the standout angular part of the face. Finally, when we made standard eyebrow expressions on a round or oval face, expressing the eyebrow much thicker, the gap between eye and eyebrow much wider, and the glabellar much narrower proved effective. It may be because the narrow-looking glabellar made one’s eye focused on the center of the face, helping look relatively narrow the wide midface which ranges from eyebrow to the tip of the nose from the aesthetic view.
Korean Society of Cosmetology