Soni Jeetendra Kumar,Asoka Raja N.,Kumar Vimal
A field investigation was carried out in farmer’s field at Pudhupalayam, TNAU, Coimbatore, during 2015, to improve the productivity of groundnut variety TMV 13 under drip and micro sprinkler fertigation system. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design (RBD) with three replications comprising of 11 treatments. Results indicated that maximum pod yield (3495 kg ha-1), haulm yield (6452 kg ha-1), harvest index (0.351) and shelling per cent (73.95 per cent) were obtained with drip irrigation at 100% PE with fertigation at 100% RDF as WSF (T1). The water saving achieved under drip irrigation was 40.08% and 55.06% at 100% and 75% PE, respectively, whereas, under micro-sprinkler, it was 25.10% and 43.83% at 100% and 75% PE, respectively over surface irrigation. Higher WUE of 19.28 kg/ha-mm recorded under drip irrigation at 75% PE with fertigation at 100% RDF as WSF (T2) followed by drip irrigation at 100% PE with fertigation at 100% RDF as WSF (T1: 15.88 kg/ha-mm). Highest NUE (23.30 kg kg-1 NPK ha-1) was recorded in drip irrigation at 100% PE with fertigation at 100% RDF as WSF (T1). Drip irrigation at 100% PE with fertigation at 100% RDF as WSF (T1) recorded higher gross return (Rs. 254353 ha-1) and net return (Rs.134712 ha-1). Whereas, the benefit cost ratio was highest in micro sprinkler at 100% PE with fertigation at 100% RDF as WSF (T6: 2.41). The margin benefit cost ratio (MBCR) was recorded highest under micro sprinkler at 100% PE with fertigation at 100% RDF as WSF (T6: 2.53) as compared to all other treatments.
Agricultural Research Communication Center
Plant Science,Soil Science,Agronomy and Crop Science
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8 articles.