Effect of Maternal Betaine Supplementation on Growth, Plane of Nutrition, Blood Biochemical Profile and Antioxidant Status of Progeny Pigs
Container-title:Indian Journal of Animal Research
Mishra Alok,Verma A.K.,Das Asit,Singh Putan,Munde V.K.
Background: Dietary supplementation of methyl donors like vitamins B9, B12, choline and betaine have been reported to reduce oxidative stress not only in sows but can also reduce oxidative stress in offspring through epigenetic modulation of DNA. However, cell proliferation and fetal development and oxidative stress associated with it is not uniform during the whole length of gestation. Hence this experiment was conducted to study the effects of maternal betaine supplementation on growth, plane of nutrition and antioxidant profile of progeny pigs.Methods: Eighteen crossbred (Landrace X Desi) sows were randomly distributed into three groups of six each in an experiment based on completely randomized design (CRD). The sows in control (T0) were fed standard ration to meet their requirements. Supplementary betaine at 3 g/kg DM were provided either during late pregnancy (d 76 onwards till parturition) only or throughout the length of gestation to the sows of groups T1 and T2, respectively. The samples of feed offered, residue and faeces were analyzed for proximate principles following the standard procedures. Blood samples from the progeny piglets were collected and antioxidant status of the piglets assessed by the measurement of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) by using standard kits.Result: The serum concentration of SOD was comparable (p greater than 0.05) among the groups, whereas serum concentration of catalase was higher (p less than 0.05) in piglets born to the dam exposed to supplementary beanie during gestation, the best response was observed whilst betaine was supplemented in the maternal diets during the whole length of gestation It was concluded that supplementation of betaine at 3g/kg in the diet of pregnant sows improved the antioxidant capacity of piglets borne to them.
Agricultural Research Communication Center
General Veterinary,Animal Science and Zoology