Bisen Abhisek,Shukla S.N.,Baghel R.P.S.,Mishra Aditya
Background: Reproductive pattern of dog is quite different from other mammalian species. A major difference between canine and other mammalian species is that in dog oestrus period is followed by long inter-oestrus interval (period of sexual quiescence), described as monocyclic animal. There are several reproductive problems encountered by the dog breeders and pet owners causing prolonged whelping interval. Anoestrus is thought to be one of the undiagnosed ovarian disorders responsible for prolonged oestrus interval in canine. Anoestrus of variable duration (2 to 10 months) following each oestrus cycle in female dogs is frequently observed. The approaches for the management of reproductive problems due to ovarian disorders encountered by the dog breeders and pet owners needs to be explored to optimize whelping interval. Hence, the current study aimed to study the Induction of oestrus and fertility response using bromocriptine, cabergoline and eCG plus hCG treatment protocols in female dogs.Methods: The study was conducted in 28 apparently healthy female dogs at TVCC college of veterinary science and Animal Husbandry Jabalpur and at door step of pet owners or dog breeders during the period of 2018-19. Dogs used in the study were divided into small, medium and large breeds. Pomeranian and Pug breeds included under small breeds; German shepherd, Labrador, Siberian husky, Dalmatian, ND and Doberman under medium breeds whereas Great dane, Rottweiler, Bullmastiff and Saint Bernard included under large breeds. The animals were selected irrespective of breeds with the history of anoestrus up to two month or more after whelping. The selection of anoestrus dog was made based on the ratio of cells in vaginal cytology and serum progesterone estimation.Result: Our results shows that the oestrus and fertility response following hormonal treatments in anestrous female dogs was significantly (p less than 0.01) higher than the oestrus induction in all treatment groups (71.48% in Group-I, 85.70% in Group-II and 71.48% in Group-III) as compared to control (14.28%).The breeding was recorded in 83.33% of dogs in cabergoline treatment followed by 100% in eCG plus hCG and 80% in bromocriptine with the conception rates of 100%, 80% and 75%, respectively in three groups. Serum progesterone (P4) profile were statistically significant (P less than 0.05) in all the treatment groups (I, II and III), but not in control group and the exflotive veginal cytology were found significantly (P less than 0.05) higher in induced than the non-induced animals of same group.
Agricultural Research Communication Center
General Veterinary,Animal Science and Zoology
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