Contemporary global security environment could be labeled as complex, dynamic, multidimensional and ‘’beyond limits’’ of conventional understanding of Warfare. Diversity of threat forms and its interactions and non-conventionality contribute that most of the actual security crises and conflicts are marked as Hybrid security endangering, or Hybrid Warfare. Globalised tehnology introduce new ‘’battlefild’’ in global digital arena. Massive application of information and communication technology has brought about new risks and threats represented by physical and software related dangers to critical information infrastructure and cyberspace that are of relevance to the nation and its security. In same hand, wolnurability and inportance of Cyber space tends to provoke necessity for ultimate resilaince copabilities against ataks and informational warfare. Hybrid form and asimetrical nature of endangerment of Cyber space which is crutial for national defence copabilites, rised analiticial approach to the political, security and organizational forms as well as clasification of threats in cyber space which were elaborated in this paper. Authors’ contribute to the understunding of threats in Cyber secyrity arena, trough analyses of China PLA approach to the subject. In addition, unique contribution is given with analyses of Cyber-Information Warfare during 1999 NATO aggression to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
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