Abstract: Eremocitrus glauca is a desert plant that is sources to the plant genetic resources for citrus, because these plants are resistant cultivars to some enemy mainly in the tropical region. Isolated protoplast culture media supplemented with to 2-isopentenyladenine (2iP) maintaining under the light intensity range 13.23. mol/m2/s1 to 70.8 mol/m2/s1 sigificantly effect to plating effisiensy protoplasts, globular somatic embryos, and plant regeneration of Eremocitrus glauca. The temperature emission and light illumination are applicate to cells has implicated to cell recovery and formation of somatic embryos. 2iP and environment factors increased the health cell from enzyms stress, grow and developed rapidly. In vitro temperature for somatic embryo formation in cultures is achieved on 25oC in corporations with 0.1 mg/l, 2 iP and more likely in pattern linear, with equation Y = 0,7336x + 4,1894, R2 = 0.8172. The same patern is also accur to ligh illumination. Attractive conclusion that light and temperature must be well to do on plant physiology and chemistry. The sequence from isolated protoplast to cell recovery, formation of somatic embryos and plant or shoot regeneration under control of media, plant growht regulators and environment factors has establish in Eremocitrus glauca. Forturmore the gene tranfer from this species has been easily.
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