1. Non-for-Profit Partnership “National Electronic Information Consortium” (NEICON)
Introduction. The national-level subscription to the global citation indexes Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus and the Freedom Collection of Elsevier released 70% of the electronic acquisition expenditures in the Russian libraries. The article aims at the analysis of the changes in the scope and structure of the book and electronic/print book acquisition budgets in the Russian libraries upon the state-funded national subscription. The article studies changes in the structure of the Russian markets of scholarly information broken in different reference groups.Materials and Methods. The article employs statistical analysis of the survey results. Materials comprise results of the data processing of the Russian surveys on the acquisition budgets in 2016–2018 and published results of the international surveys. We analyze three main reference groups and four sub-groups of the Russian institutions. Results obtained in Russia are compared with the results for American academics.Results. Our findings show that the acquisition budgets of Russian institutions demonstrate a shift towards the book and print book acquisition. Both trends differ from the international ones and the 2022 forecasts of the American libraries. The markets of electronic scholarly information show continuous concentration to the segment of universities. In 2018, relative shares of the university segment of the markets of electronic resources and electronic books made correspondingly 94% and 99%. In the electronic book market, the share of the reference group of the universities of the 5/100 project increased from 24% to 32%, whereas the share of two national universities shrank from 24% to 14%.Discussion and Conclusions. The results obtained probably indicate the effect of the national subscription on the library acquisition. The loss in the market positions of the group of Russian national universities can change leaders in the field of research output.