The implementation of national projects and the development of the construction industry


Пешков Виталий1


1. ФГБОУ ВО ИРНИТУ Институт архитектуры, строительства и дизайна


Russia’s “national projects”, intend to provide large-scale investments in human development and improving the well-being of the country’s citizens. The Russian government has published information on its website about all the 12 National Projects, which are going to be implemented up until late 2024. He work on these projects is aimed at providing breakthrough scientific-technological and socio-economic development for Russia, increasing the standard of living, creating conditions and opportunities for personal fulfillment and unlocking every person’s talent. The largest number of goals, or almost 20%, constitutes measures on infrastructure development, particularly regional road networks. To boost the construction sector, the government planned to extend the use of bank loans, not specifying the source of infrastructure mortgages.


NPG Publishing

Reference16 articles.

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