Background and Aim: The purposes of this study were 1) to study the degree of the quality of the public library service of Hebei Shijiazhuang Library, Hebei Province, China 2) to study the satisfaction of the people with the service of the public library of Hebei Shijiazhuang Library, Hebei Province, China.3) to study the factors of quality of the public library service which affect the satisfaction of the people 4) to study the recommendations of the people to improve the quality of the public library service of Hebei Shijiazhuang Library, Hebei Province, China.
Materials and Methods: The samples of this study were 288 persons (library visitors at Hebei Shijiazhuang Library, Hebei Province, China) calculated by Taro Yamane’s formula and selected through an accidental random sampling technique. The instrument used in this study was 50 items with five close-ended rating scale questionnaires with 0.91 reliability and open-ended for recommendations. The statistics encompassed frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation Pearson’s Product-moment Coefficient, and multiple linear regression.
Results: In general, the Hebei Shijiazhuang Library in Hebei Province, China received high marks for the quality of its public library services. People's overall satisfaction with the services provided by the public library of Hebei Shijiazhuang Library in Hebei Province, China, was rated as being very high. Customers' satisfaction with the public library service at Hebei Shijiazhuang Library in Hebei Province, China, was influenced by four factors: the quality of the information provided, the effectiveness of the system, the caliber of the staff, and the overall quality of the service.
"The public library should request the people to give their ideas after receiving the service of the library" was the sample recommendation that was made most frequently to improve the quality of the public library service at Hebei Shijiazhuang Library in Hebei Province, China.
Conclusion: The Hebei Shijiazhuang Library, located in Hebei Province, China, has been praised for its public library services. Factors that impact customer satisfaction include the caliber of staff, overall service quality, system effectiveness, and information quality. One common suggestion for enhancements was to ask users for feedback following their use of the library's resources.
Dr. Ken Institute of Academic Development and Promotion
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