1. L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana,Kazakhstan
2. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty,Kazakhstan
In an independent country living within socio-economicrelations, it is essential to bring the human capital to the level of a state that meets the requirements of potential employers and is in high demand. At the same time, it is considered one of the main tasks of the education system to prepare future social educators on the basis ofsocial partnership, examine the interests of each party participating in the partnership, and professional development of future specialists.
One of the strategic goals of the education sector and the country's economy is the competitive potential of pedagogical universities and their graduates. Moreover, it is crucial to guidethe process of training future educators with new technologies. The purpose of this article is to find effective ways to train future social educators according to the latest standards and requirements in the context of attracting potential employers and professionals using social partnership technology based on empirical analysis. The role of future employers was analyzed through a survey of future professionals and expert interviews. The roles of potential employers, higher education institutions and the state in training future educators were differentiated. Inthis article, it was concluded that social partnership is one of the necessary technologies for preparing future social educators according to modern requirements and standards. The conclusion of the empirical analysis reveals the practical importance of the article in the quality and professional training of future social educators in universities.
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
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