1. Gazi University, Ankara, Turkye
This research aims to determine the levels of perception and opinions of 8th-grade middle school students on global warming and to investigate the impact of web 2.0-supported applications onstudents' perceptions and opinions of global warming. The research is a quantitative study and a quasi-experimental method was used. The study group consisted of a total of 46 students (nExperiment = 22 and nControl = 24) studying in the eighth grade at amiddle school in the central district of Ankara in the fall semester of the 2023-2024 academic year.The study group students were selected using the convenience sampling method.One experimental and one control group were used in the study.The data of the study were obtained with the global warming perception and opinion determination scale before and after the implementation.The data obtained were analyzed with the statistical package program SPSS.In the application, the lessons were taught with web 2.0 applications in the experimental group and with the activities recommended in the textbooks in the control group in line with the acquisitions specified in the Science curriculum within the framework of the subject of climate and air movements.As a result of the analysis of the data, it was noteworthy that students' perception and opinion levels of global warming were at a low level before the application.After the application, it was seen that the perception and opinion levels of the experimental group students about global warming before the application were high, while the control group students reached a medium level.It was concluded that Web 2.0 applications positively affected the level of global warming perceptions and opinions of the experimental group students.
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
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