Reflection-Based Learning in Virtual Environments for Pre-service Teachers


Noichun Nuntiya,


The virtual environment is closely related to social currents in terms of the development of advanced technology, different learning environments, and changes in human behavior over time. This study observed students’ academic achievement and investigated the results of learners’ reflection-based learning in a virtual environment among pre-service teachers. The participants were selected from among second-year students at Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University: 38 were in the experimental group, and 38 were in the control group. The findings indicated that the experimental group had achievement significantly different from that of the control group at a .05 level of significance. The results for the reflection level were at 80.26%, a higher value than among students in the control group, who had a reflection level of 50.07%. These results indicate that reflection-based learning in the virtual environment impacts academic achievement. Reflective skills are also useful for learner practice.


EJournal Publishing


Computer Science Applications,Education

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