Nurhayati , ,Rusdi ,Isfaeni Hanum
Innovation based on technology is important for the learning process, especially in the environmental subject. This research was conducted to improve the learning outcomes of senior high school students using Augmented Reality (AR) for environmental pollution. Our study uses the research and development method with the model from Borg and Gall. The students as objects of research were divided into two classes including the control and experimental groups. The AR learning media was validated by experts in relevant fields with the focus on the three aspects of media, material, and language before it was applied to the students. The validation result for the media aspect was found to be 3.25%, the material was 3.00%, and language was 3.29%, and this indicates the media is valid. The results showed that the average score for the learning outcomes of the control class was 52.6 while the value for the experimental class was 69.8. This signifies the AR learning media developed for environmental pollution contributed positively to the process of learning biology and also fosters student interest in learning. Therefore, the learning media was confirmed to be appropriate for students studying biology subjects.
Computer Science Applications,Education
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