Developing Hull Design Based on the Hydrodynamic Criteria: An Application for Leisure Boats as a Tourist Facility
Container-title:International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research
Yusfianda Ahmad Ramadhan,Diatmaja Hananta,Prabowo Aditya Rio,Tuswan Tuswan,Muttaqie Teguh,Muhayat Nurul,Cho Joung Hyung,Wibowo Wibowo,Muslimy Emel Mixsa
The tourism sector plays a vital role in the Indonesian economy. Indonesia’s mainstay tourism sector is coastal tourism. Biodiversity and marine wealth in coastal areas are essential potentials to support sustainable development in Indonesia. For example, the Raja Ampat Islands have made tourism a leading sector for sustainable development. Currently, transportation in Indonesian maritime tourism is still dominated by ships with traditional hull models with poor hydrodynamic performance. Therefore, it is necessary to update the leisure boat model to have better hydrodynamic performance so that tourists can travel more safely and comfortably. In this study, an update of the leisure boat hull model was carried out by conducting a hydrodynamic analysis on five reference ships with Length Overalls (LOAs) of 6–8 m. After, the dimensions were processed with the regression method to obtain the proposed ship dimensions with three boat hull variation models and three dimensions variations. Following this, the hydrodynamic characteristics of each ship were analyzed using regression sensitivity to find the effect of each model variation, so it can help give further consideration while designing the ship. Each model analyzed was given points to obtain the best results with the Multiattribute Decision-Making (MADM) method. The results of this study found that making a hull model using the regression method with the deep vee model with dimension variation 1 had the best hydrodynamic characteristics. The results of this study are also expected to give reference and help consider the design of leisure boat hull models.
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