Agribusiness is one of the major forces in global economic development. Since the 1980s, diversification has been seen by agribusiness as one of the right strategies to improve and increase its status, but the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of agribusiness. In this new context, companies have capitalized on the marketing dimension, shaping their identity to transfer and add value, especially to end consumers. The brand is an intangible bridge that strengthens entrepreneurial capital. The paper aims to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the main players in the agribusiness industry, taking into account marketing performance indicators such as turnover, rating and brand value before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Exploratory research was performed based on the analysis of secondary data. Given the annual agribusiness reports, the first ten agribusinesses were generated and analyzed using the rankings on turnover, profit and brands developed by Forbes, Brand Finance and Interbrand. The research classified agribusiness taking into account the market they addressed: B2B, B2C, or mixed formula. Only Nestlé is present in all the rankings. From the rating point of view, the pandemic generated by the new Coronavirus did not produce notable implications on the brand of the big players in the international agribusiness. For Romanian agribusinesses, Transavia, Cris-Tim, Vel Pitar are in the top ten in terms of turnover and brand value. The study emphasizes the complementarity of analyzes and the interdependence between them.
Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia