1. IRCAN UMR CNRS 7284/INSERM U1081/UNS School of Medicine Nice Sophia‐Antipolis University Nice Cedex 2 France
2. Department of Medical Genetics National Centre for Mitochondrial Diseases Nice Teaching Hospital Nice Cedex 2 France
3. INSERM U1065 Centre Méditerranéen de Médecine Moléculaire (C3M), équipe “contrôle métabolique des morts cellulaires” Nice Sophia‐Antipolis University Nice Cedex 2 France
4. Research Health Institute of Palma (IdISPa) Research Unit Son Espases University Hospital Palma de Mallorca Spain
5. Department of Cell Biology Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore MD USA
6. Wellcome Trust Centre for Mitochondrial Research Institute of Genetic Medicine International Centre for Life Newcastle University Newcastle upon Tyne UK
7. Newcastle Eye Centre Royal Victoria Infirmary Newcastle upon Tyne UK
8. Joint Center for Applied Electron Microscopy Nice Sophia‐Antipolis University Nice Cedex 2 France