1. Center for Integrative Genomics Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University of Lausanne Lausanne Switzerland
2. SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics University of Lausanne Lausanne Switzerland
3. INRA ToxAlim Integrative Toxicology and Metabolism UMR1331 Toulouse France
4. Department of Musculoskeletal Medicine Service of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery CHUV Epalinges Switzerland
5. Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire CNRS, UMR 7275 Valbonne France
6. Dermatology University Hospital and School of Medicine Geneva Switzerland
7. Immunology and Allergy University Hospital and School of Medicine Geneva Switzerland
8. Service de dermatologie et venereology Hôpital de Beaumont CHUV Lausanne Switzerland
9. Department of Immunology University Hospital University of Zürich Zürich Switzerland
10. Department of Dermatology University Hospital University of Zürich Zürich Switzerland