The use of jute fabrics is showing an increasing trend in textile, building and automobile sectors. Electrical properties such as conductivity, resistance, di-electric constant, insulation, etc. are the essential factor for consideration for using jute fabrics in these sectors. For this reason, a study was carried out to find out the changes in electrical properties of woven and nonwoven jute fabrics at different input voltage. The electrical resistance of jute fabrics was measured by a digital impedance meter. Effects of input voltage, gauge length, and type of fabrics on electrical resistance were studied and analyzed. Experimental results indicated that the electrical resistance of woven and needle punched nonwoven jute fabrics decreased with the increase of input voltage and increased with the increase in gauge length. The highest value of electrical resistance in woven jute fabrics was 394 Mohm/cm at 2 cm gauge length and 60 V of the input voltage. In nonwoven jute fabrics, the maximum electrical resistance was 257 M ohm/cm which was obtained at 2 cm gauge length and 60 V of electrical resistance. Woven jute fabric showed a higher value of resistance than nonwoven jute fabric for different voltages. It was also observed that the electrical resistance varied with the type of fabrics used in this study.
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