The pressure effect (0 to 40 GPa) on the structural, elastic, electronic, and optical properties of half-metallic compound RuVAs has been investigated employing the DFT based on the first-principles method. The CASTEP computer code is used for this investigation. The calculated lattice parameter show slide deviation from the synthesized and other theoretical data. The normalized lattice parameter and volume are decreased with increasing pressure. The zero pressure elastic constants and also the pressure-dependent elastic constants are positive up to 40 GPa and satisfy the Born stability condition which ensured that the compound RuVAs is stable in nature. At zero pressure, the electronic band gap of 0.159 eV is observed from the band structure calculations which ensured the semimetallic nature of RuVAs. No band gap is observed in the electronic band structure at 40 GPa which indicates the occurrence of phase transition of compound RuVAs at this pressure. We have calculated the value of bulk modulus B, shear modulus G, Young’s modulus E, Pugh ratio B/G, Poisson’s ratio ν and anisotropy factor A of this compound by using the Voigt-Reuss-Hill (VRH) averaging scheme under pressure. The bulk modulus shows a linear response to pressure so that the hardness of this material is increased with increasing pressure. Furthermore, the optical properties such as reflectivity, absorptivity, conductivity, dielectric constant, refractive index, and loss function of RuVAs were evaluated and discussed under pressure up to 40 GPa.
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