Application of integrated reporting by small and medium-sized enterprises




1. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation (MGIMO University)


Subject. This article discusses the issues of implementation of integrated reporting in the accounting practices of small and medium-sized enterprises. Objectives. The study aims to explore the concept of integrated reporting and its specifics for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as identify the benefits received by small and medium-sized enterprises from the incorporation of an innovative reporting model, and the obstacles that arise on the way to its implementation. Methods. For the study, I used the general scientific methods of detailing, generalization, induction and deduction, description, comparison, and chronological analysis. Results. The article analyzes the current trends in the use of integrated reporting and the role of small and medium-sized businesses in the economic systems of different countries. It identifies the benefits for small and medium-sized enterprises of incorporating an innovative reporting model and the constraints on this process. Conclusions. Countries need to take steps to promote interest of small and medium-sized enterprises in the implementation of integrated reporting. Expanding the scope of the innovative reporting model to small and medium-sized businesses will provide a number of benefits for both companies and stakeholders.


Publishing House Finance and Credit

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