Socio-cultural aspects of ensuring civilizational security in conditions of increasing economic complexity




1. Institute for Market Problems of RAS

2. Moscow Witte University


Subject. The article addresses crisis of globalization, inter-civilizational contradictions. Objectives. The purpose is to identify the key socio-cultural forms that directly characterize civilizational security, to show their dynamic relationship in conditions of continuous complication of the economic system. Methods. The study rests on methods of systems analysis. Results. Within the framework of the interdisciplinary approach, we underpinned the necessity of new socio-cultural practices that meet the requirements of ensuring the civilizational security of Russia under the dominance of neoliberalism in the form of "westernization without modernization". Conclusions. In conditions of aggravation of inter-civilizational contradictions, it is crucial to form such an innovative political and economic model, where the reproduction of necessary socio-cultural forms at all levels is carried out within the fair rules, the observance of which will be ensured by the rule of law.


Publishing House Finance and Credit


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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