1. Financial University under Government of Russian Federation
Subject. We consider the protection of Russia's national interests, positioning of Russia in the world.
Objectives. The purpose is to perform a comprehensive analysis of compliance with international and national development goals and approaches to assessment of threats and risks associated with their implementation; to develop and underpin basic requirements for identification and assessment of major threats to the national interests of Russia.
Methods. The study employs methods of comparative and systems analysis, scalarization of vector indicators of achieving national development goals.
Results. We considered a current problem of discrepancy between Western and national approaches to the analysis and assessment of threats to sustainable development. The study proves that the realism and degree of achieving the strategic national goals should be assessed on the basis of a new conservative approach to the analysis and assessment of threats to national interests.
Conclusions. An important component of protecting the national interests is a combination of international approaches to ensuring sustainable development and national priorities. The Russian Federation has the right to formulate and implement its own development goals that correspond to the national interests of the country and society.
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4 articles.