Trends in the value of export flows: Spline analysis




1. Kadyrov Chechen State University (Kadyrov CHSU)


Subject. The article considers a factor analysis of the value of export flows based on spline models. Objectives. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of spline modeling in the factor analysis of the cost of flows. Methods. The study employs spline-interpolation modeling of the cost of export flows. It preserves real information about all process values at the nodal points. Using the differentiation, the constructed models are transformed into flow velocity models. The necessary accuracy in the study is also achieved by data processing in the Maple 17 computer mathematics system, which performs calculations without rounding errors. Results. The method of factor analysis proposed in the paper demonstrated a possibility to investigate analytically and quantitatively the dependence of trends in the value of export flows on fluctuations in the rate of export prices and the rate of export volumes. Conclusions. The offered method enables to accurately determine the impact of factors not only at nodal points, but also at arbitrary point of time within the studied interval. Therefore, it is possible to quickly manage processes, adapting the impact in accordance with changing market conditions.


Publishing House Finance and Credit


Automotive Engineering

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