Priorities of social development of the Ural regions: Strategic and investment aspects




1. Ural State University of Economics (USUE)


Subject. This article discusses the issues of strengthening the common economic space of Russia. Objectives. The article aims to compare strategic planning documents on priority areas of development of the Ural regions and analyze changes in socio-economic and demographic indicators. Methods. For the study, we used the general scientific research methods. Results. The article finds that the current conditions, characterized as turbulent, have not affected the forecasts for the dynamics of the target indicators enshrined in the strategies of socio-economic development of the Ural regions. The article substantiates the expediency of calculating the Capital-to-Labor Ratio indicator when analyzing the investment potential of the region. Relevance. The results of the study can be used to adjust the target indicators enshrined in strategic planning documents.


Publishing House Finance and Credit


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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