The sphere of State customs services as a service economic and management system: Conceptual ideas and research problems




1. Russian Customs Academy


Subject. The article considers the sphere of State customs services, presented as a service economic and management system. Objectives. The aim is to present conceptual provisions and reveal problematic areas of research in the sphere of State customs services as an economic system. Methods. The study rests on the methodology of systems analysis and a holistic evolutionary approach, using methods of critical, structural, and comparative analysis. Results. Based on the synthesis of economic and managerial approaches, an attempt is made to comprehend the representation of the sphere of State customs services as a sphere of economic production, where the main product of labor of customs officials is a managerial decision as a service. The sphere of customs services is considered as a holistic tiered economic and management system. The aspects characterizing the system, i.e. service (service–oriented, customer-focused, etc.), economic, managerial, organizational, organizational and economic, and others can be studied as specific systems in the context of a system-wide formulation of integrity issues. Conclusions. The synthesis of economic and managerial methodology in the form of organizational and economic approach enabled to formulate a range of urgent problems requiring development and being priority areas of scientific research within the framework of the specialty passport.


Publishing House Finance and Credit

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