1. Volga State University of Technology (VSUT)
2. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering – National Research University (MGSU)
Subject. The article considers an integrated approach to economic analysis and assessment of sustainability and economic security of the enterprise.
Objectives. The focus is on creating a conceptual model of economic analysis of sustainable and safe development of the enterprise, enabling to evaluate complex indicators of sustainability and economic security, and identify risks and threats to enterprise activities.
Methods. The study rests on integrated approach, which is tested during the economic analysis of sustainable and safe development of enterprises.
Results. The paper presents an approach to assessing the sustainable and safe development of an enterprise, using fuzzy logic. We offered a model of economic analysis of sustainability and economic security of the enterprise, determined the corresponding indicators of enterprise’s sustainability and economic security. To select indicators, we considered not only enterprise’s internal capabilities, but also external factors, industry, regional factors, risks and threats. The economic analysis of sustainable development takes into account the main aspects of sustainability, like economic, social and environmental. The economic analysis of safe development accounts for such components of economic security as personnel, technical, technological, and financial. The model helps identify indicators that violate the level of sustainable and safe development of the enterprise.
Conclusions. Using the presented model, it is possible to effectively assess the sustainability and economic security of enterprises.
Publishing House Finance and Credit
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