Comprehensive economic analysis of innovation activity of the enterprise




1. Donetsk State University (DonSU)


Subject. The article deals with scientific and methodological approach to the complex economic analysis of innovation activity of enterprises. Objectives. The aim is to determine the vector of management decisions regarding the increase in the level of enterprise’s innovation activity. Methods. The study employs methods of scientific abstraction, analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization, complex integrated assessment, statistical analysis, and matrix methods. Results. To perform the comprehensive economic analysis of innovation activity, we developed a system of indicators and a structural and logical scheme. The results of the analysis of innovation activity of enterprises operating in the food industry of the Donetsk People's Republic show positive trend in the introduction of different kinds of innovations in different aspects of activity. At the same time, the level of innovation activity of most enterprises (60%) is assessed as average, and of 40% - as satisfactory. This requires to develop directions for innovative renewal of existing business models of food industry enterprises, and actively introduce innovations. Conclusions. The practical value of our structural and logical scheme of integrated economic analysis of enterprises’ innovation activity consists in the possibility of integrating into a single cyclical process of a sequence of actions to determine the actual level of innovation activity. The scientific and methodological approach, presented in the study, rests on a multi-criteria system of evaluation indicators, takes into account innovation performance criteria, and enables to reasonably determine management responses to innovation renewal of the current business model of the enterprise.


Publishing House Finance and Credit

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