Internal control models: Historical transformations and development prospects




1. Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin (Kuban SAU)


Subject. This article examines the issue of transformation of the system and models of internal control as a guarantor of the economic security of organizations, regions and countries in the historical aspect and in relation to global changes in the world economy. Objectives. The article aims to determine further ways of development of internal control models and their conceptual foundations, taking into account the realities of the time. Methods. For the study, we used case and chronological analyses, and data systematization. Results. The article finds that internal control models are subject to continuous transformation, taking into account external economic influences and the development of automation tools. This unlocks the process synergies, in other words, more complex processes taking place in the economy and crisis phenomena that affect the conditions for the functioning of companies, make it necessary to look for internal reserves to ensure the continuity of the activities of an economic entity through constant control of risks and the search for options for their minimization. Conclusions and Relevance. The article concludes that the most popular models of internal control are those that are based on a process-oriented approach and continuous analysis of business processes of an economic entity, with further processing of the information obtained and transformation into a system-oriented model of internal control aimed at finding internal reserves. The results of the study can be used in the theory and practice of internal control, as well as for further scientific developments and practical application.


Publishing House Finance and Credit


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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