Analyzing the development of online training in the field of eSports in Russia




1. Financial University under Government of Russian Federation


Subject. The article considers the spread of digital technologies in the field of education and the sports industry. Objectives. The aim is to analyze various segments of online education, assessment of prospects for the development of eSports in Russia. Methods. The study employs methods of modeling, generalization, and comparative analysis. Results. We performed the segmentation of online education market in the field of eSports. The paper established that the main groups of clients interested in the development of eSports training programs are beginners, "advanced", and professional players, coaches, and amateurs. It is necessary to develop an individual marketing and sales strategy for each group of customers. Conclusions. There is a need to create a special platform that could contribute to the professional training of novice players. The development of online eSports school will meet the growing demand from both enthusiasts and professionals.


Publishing House Finance and Credit

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