Non-tariff regulation of foreign trade in goods as a factor of socio-economic development of member states of the Eurasian Economic Union


KOVARDA Vladimir V.1,LAPTEV Roman A.1


1. Southwest State University (SWSU)


Subject. The article considers internationalization of the world economy and expansion of cooperation ties. Objectives. The focus is on the analysis of the role of non-tariff regulation in strengthening the integration of countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. Methods. The study employs methods of logical and statistical analysis. Results. We analyzed the legal framework for non-tariff regulation of foreign economic activity in the EAEU, highlighted national (using the case of Russia) and integration features. We determined import substitution trends for certain types of food products. Conclusions. The efficiency of use of non-tariff regulation has an impact on the level of socio-economic development.


Publishing House Finance and Credit


General Medicine

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