1. Financial University under Government of Russian Federation
Subject. The article investigates the unit economics, being a new management technology for the Russian practice. It provides a definition, specifics, considers the metrics of unit economics and how they help in investing, attracting new customers, increasing the number of transactions with them, etc.
Objectives. The aims are to reveal theoretical foundations, identify specific features inherent in the unit economics system, determine the economic substance of the system's indicators and relationship between them, substantiate the connection of unit economics with the management accounting system.
Methods. The study employs general scientific methods (the systems approach, comparison, systematization and generalization of data, historical analysis), specific scientific methods (logical generalization, system reasoning), and analytical forecasting tools.
Results. The paper describes the historical background of the unit economics emergence. I identify methodological features of the unit economics that shaped it into an independent management technology, disclose economic and managerial significance of unit economics indicators.
Conclusions. The emergence of the unit economics is associated with the crisis in the United States in 2000, caused by the dot-com bubble. The identified methodological and organizational features of the unit economics enabled to interpret it as a management accounting tool.
Publishing House Finance and Credit
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2 articles.