Updating the Soviet experience in determining the leading link of economic development at the meso-level




1. OAO Elektromashinostroitel'nyi zavod (Lepse Electric Machine-Building Plant)


Subject. The article addresses the domestic and world practice of industrial management at the regional level. Objectives. The purpose is to perform a retrospective analysis of the problem of searching for the leading link in the economic system, assess various forms of joint organization of the economy. Methods. The study applies general scientific research methods. Results. The paper systematized various forms of organization of the economy, revealed their advantages and disadvantages, formulated the concept of "association", established that the association is a leading link in the economy of the region, and, accordingly, the object of management. Moreover, associations can combine enterprises and organizations of various size and form of ownership. Conclusions. At the regional level, there are no effective mechanisms and sufficient resources for integrated development of economic sectors. It is necessary to design a methodology for managing associations as new economic units.


Publishing House Finance and Credit

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