Developing and implementing the economic security system of an agricultural holding in the face of external and internal threats




1. Volga Region Research Institute of Manufacture and Processing of Meat-and-Milk Production

2. Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Interior of Russia


Subject. The article considers problems related to development of mechanisms for studying, identifying, and forecasting threats to economic security, their minimization and prevention. Objectives. The aim is to substantiate the need to increase the level of economic security of integrated agricultural formations, to analyze the specifics of their activities. Methods. The study employs methods of generalization, grouping, and comparative analysis. Results. We examined external and internal information field of agricultural holdings and classified threats to economic security by source. We defined functional components of the system for ensuring the economic security of agricultural holdings. Conclusions. The introduction of an economic security system in the activities of agricultural holdings will reduce the risks of financial losses, optimize management processes, and reduce the cost of risk management.


Publishing House Finance and Credit

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