1. Perm State National Research University (PSU)
Subject. Operating in the market economy, a business entity is the main business driver. Its adequate security contributes to the successful performance of a country as a whole. Therefore, there still should be a concept for the integrated corporate security in the current circumstances of globalization.
Objectives. The study analyzes and formulates our own definition of the integrated corporate security and describes its constituents.
Methods. The study involves methods of logic, expert and comparative analysis.
Results. We analyzed various approaches to defining the economic security, produced our own definition of the integrated security. The integrated corporate security mechanism was found to be a must given global challenges people face all over the world.
Conclusions and Relevance. The integrated corporate security theory has transformed in the current circumstances. Corporate security is of comprehensive, cross-disciplinary nature, this hampering the overall research into the issue. However, it is necessary not only to define and examine the concept from a point of view, but do the same with its constituents.
Publishing House Finance and Credit
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2 articles.